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Acute Bacterial Otitis Media

caused by beta‑lactamase–producing isolates of H. influenzae and M. buy augmentin catarrhalis .

Pneumococcal Pneumonia

Second Source article from Government

How To Use?

Which is better to use. Both drugs in the form of tablets or suspensions are taken orally. But even here, there is a difference between them.

You can take Amoxicillinat at any time, with or without meals. It is only necessary to observe the correct dosage and the break between servings.

Augmentin differs from its counterpart in its composition. The presence of clavulanic acid obliges a person to take medicine only with meals. This way, you will achieve better absorption and minimize the likelihood of side effects.

Owner’s Guide to Clavamox for Dogs

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve just come back from the vet with a prescription for Clavamox for your dog and are want to know more informatoin about this drug.

Listening to your vet explain everything you need to know about a new medication can be overwhelming, and it is often hard to remember all of the important details, especially if you are worried about your dog — or if your dog is doing his best to escape the room by burrowing under your arm.

If you still have questions about Clavamox, don’t panic. Here is what you need to know about Clavamox for dogs.